Our Story | SageLife
An idea years in the making that has finally come to fruition, SageLife is the culmination of one man's lifelong spiritual journey. Spiritually oriented since childhood, the founder of SageLife would go to mass weekly and pray that the statues would talk to him, seeking some sort of validation that God was real. Years later, he found himself fully committed to God's will and began to finally see the mystical nature of God's work.
For over ten years, our founder ran a spiritual book club and learned as much as possible about the Divine. The more he read, the more he began to believe that the core spiritual message to man from the divine is all the same. The desire to use apparel to bring a message of awareness was placed into his heart and the idea of SageLife was born. Looking back on it now, it is no surprise that "starting a t-shirt company" was on his bucket list from a very early point in life.
SageLife is about crafting our lives from within, from our soul wisdom. Living life by design and not by default. Standing in the silence, in the darkness, in full awareness. Standing in love, not in fear. Recognizing that each of us is a spark of the Divine. Wearing apparel that helps us identify our herd. Wearing apparel that reminds ourselves of who we really are and being bold enough declare it to the world.